chartered certified accountants
State Pension Age for Women (SPa) | ||
If you were born between these dates |
Your state Pension date will be |
Your retirement age will be |
5/4/50 and before |
06/04/2010 |
60 years |
6/04/50 to 5/05/50 |
06/05/2010 |
60y 1m |
6/05/50 to 5/06/50 |
06/07/2010 |
60y 2m |
6/06/50 to 5/07/50 |
06/09/2010 |
60y 3m |
6/07/50 to 5/08/50 |
06/11/2010 |
60y 4m |
6/08/50 to 5/09/50 |
06/01/2011 |
60y 5m |
6/09/50 to 5/10/50 |
06.03.2011 |
60y 6m |
6/10/50 to 5/11/50 |
06.05.2011 |
60y 7m |
6/11/50 to 5/12/50 |
06.07.2011 |
60y 8m |
6/12/50 to 5/01/51 |
06.09.2011 |
60y 9m |
6/01/51 to 5/02/51 |
06.11.2011 |
60y 10m |
6/02/51 to 5/03/51 |
06.01.2012 |
60y 11m |
6/03/51 to 5/04/51 |
06.03.2012 |
61 years |
6/04/51 to 5/05/51 |
06.05.2012 |
61y 1m |
6/05/51 to 5/06/51 |
06.07.2012 |
61y 2m |
6/06/51 to 5/07/51 |
06.09.2012 |
61y 3m |
6/07/51 to 5/08/51 |
06.11.2012 |
61y 4m |
6/08/51 to 5/09/51 |
06.01.2013 |
61y 5m |
6/09/51 to 5/10/51 |
06.03.2013 |
61y 6m |
6/10/51 to 5/11/51 |
06.05.2013 |
61y 7m |
6/11/51 to 5/12/51 |
06.07.2013 |
61y 8m |
6/12/51 to 5/01/52 |
06.09.2013 |
61y 9m |
6/01/52 to 5/02/52 |
06.11.2013 |
61y 10m |
6/02/52 to 5/03/52 |
06.01.2014 |
61y 11m |
The state pension age (SPa) for women is increasing from 60 to 65 from April 2010 and will affect women born on or after 6 April 1950 and before 6 December 1953 - see table below.
Under the Pensions Act 2011 women’s state pension will increase more quickly between April 2016 and November 2018. In November 2018, pension age for men and women will be equalised at 65. From December 2018, the SPa for both women and men will start to increase to reach 66 in October 2020. These changes will affect women born on or after 6 April 1953 and men born after 6 December 1953.
Current law provides for state pension age to increase to 67 by April 2028. You can use the calculator in this link to find your state pension age
State Pension Age for Women (SPa) | ||
If you were born between these dates |
Your state Pension date will be |
Your retirement age will be |
6/03/52 to 5/04/52 |
06.03.2014 |
62 years |
6/04/52 to 5/05/52 |
06.05.2014 |
62y 1m |
6/05/52 to 5/06/52 |
06.07.2014 |
62y 2m |
6/06/52 to 5/07/52 |
06.09.2014 |
62y 3m |
6/07/52 to 5/08/52 |
06.11.2014 |
62y 4m |
6/08/52 to 5/09/52 |
06.01.2015 |
62y 5m |
6/09/52 to 5/10/52 |
06.03.2015 |
62y 6m |
6/10/52 to 5/11/52 |
06.05.2015 |
62y 7m |
6/11/52 to 5/12/52 |
06.07.2015 |
62y 8m |
6/12/52 to 5/01/53 |
06.09.2015 |
62y 9m |
6/01/53 to 5/02/53 |
06.11.2015 |
62y 10m |
6/02/53 to 5/03/53 |
06.01.2016 |
62y 11m |
6/03/53 to 5/04/53 |
06.03.2016 |
63 years |
6/04/53 to 5/05/53 |
06/07/2016 |
63y 3m |
6/05/53 to 5/06/53 |
06/11/2016 |
63y 6m |
6/06/53 to 5/07/53 |
06/03/2017 |
63y 9m |
6/07/53 to 5/08/53 |
06/07/2017 |
64 years |
6/08/53 to 5/09/53 |
06/11/2017 |
64y 3m |
6/09/53 to 5/10/53 |
06.03.2018 |
64y 6m |
6/10/53 to 5/11/53 |
06.07.2018 |
64y 9m |
6/11/53 to 5/12/53 |
06.11.2018 |
65 years |
6/12/53 to 5/01/54 |
06.03.2019 |
65y 3m |
6/01/54 to 5/02/54 |
06.05.2019 |
65y 4m |
6/02/54 to 5/03/54 |
06.07.2019 |
65y 5m |
6/03/54 to 5/04/54 |
06.09.2019 |
65y 6m |
6/04/54 to 5/05/54 |
06.11.2019 |
65y 7m |
6/05/54 to 5/06/54 |
06.01.2020 |
65y 8m |
6/06/54 to 5/07/54 |
06.03.2020 |
65y 9m |
6/07/54 to 5/08/54 |
06.05.2020 |
65y 10m |
6/08/54 to 5/09/54 |
06.07.2020 |
65y 11m |
6/09/54 to 5/10/54 |
06.09.2020 |
66 years |
6/10/54 to 5/04/60 |
Date you reach 66th birthday | |
6/04/60 to 5/05/60* |
06.05.2026 |
66y 1m |
......... and so on until those born between 6.3.1961 and 5.4.1961 will have a retirement age of 67 (both men and women around April 2028!) under *proposed legislation. | ||
SPa |
Notes | |
Born before 6.4.1950 |
No change - SPa is 60 |
State Pension age for women is being equalised with men at age 65 over an 8 year period from 6.4.2010. Further changes are still being proposed. | |
Born between 6.4.1950 and 5.12.1953 |
SPa rises from 60 to 65 | ||
Born after 5.12.1953 |
SPa will be 65, then 66 |